Ash, your points are equally well taken. My skepticism lies in knowing Honda must and can only sell parts that meet their stringent production specifications. It seems clear to me the fenders do not meet a spec acceptable to Honda, so i can only assume these "double cut" fenders are not purchased by Honda. If the exhaust don't meet Honda specs, i cannot imagine Honda buying them. Two things i don't know, 1. do the mufflers meet Honda spec? and 2. If these Vietnamese exhaust meet Honda spec, are the exhaust truly being sold to the Honda Motorcycle Company ?
The short of it is, I guess, I/we don't know have answers to these questions. The bottom line would be a hearing from a SOOC member who buys a set of these exhaust for evaluation and fitting.
As I wrote my first post, I also thought of the fact Yamiya does not, at least yet, appear to be in Honda's cross hairs. I am suspecting Yamiya has already considered such liability and has a relationship, somewhere with somebody, we do not know about.
If this Vietnamese manufacturer is making a high quality exhaust, it would be great to know first hand what these exhaust are like.
Once we have first hand knowledge of the quality of the exhasut, it becomes irrelevant who "a Honda company in Japan" actually is that may be or is actually buying them.
Absolutely, as you say and I agree, "Surely it's worth further investigation." Will be very interesting to learn more from who ever the member may be who does the investigation.