Hi This is my blue dot from my cases it is directly under the air box number 40:: unrestored sandcast

The engine dot topic is still intriguing and mysterious.
Friday night I received a new Sandcast from CA, and during examination and documention process yesterday I discovered another Blue Engine Dot. The blue engine dot is on a Ruby red bike. This now make three engines in my possession that contain the blue dots at different Vin ranges in the exact location as Gary's photograph shows in his earlier post.
I am fully convinced that these were not placed on every engine and had to specifically call out a process or were used to bring attention to some feature or issue during assembly.
The dots are definitely made from a very hardy material as the dot survives well in the location and retains good colors after almost 50 years of environmental exposure.
My theory still stands that the dots indicated an issue during inspection, but I don't have any evidence or facts to back it up. Maybe we will will learn more as time passes, this seems to be lingering as another Sandcast mystery.