Honda CB750 Sandcast

Greenland No Motorcycle Laws Blah!

kp · 14 · 4424


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Hi All,
Well fellas I've heard it all ........ I thought. Spare a thought for a fellow Sandcast enthusiast who has just been busted by the Greenland Police for owning a motorcycle and for owning parts off a motorcycle. Read the email I just received from a member from Norway.
Hello Kerry,
XXXXX had a K0 and a K0 motor confiscated by the Greenland police. and he is really angry at the police.
It seems you are not allowed to own motorcycles or even spareparts and even if it is for restoring only.
Maybe sandcast club can write him a e-mail expressing their support to him against the stupid law they have in Greeenland.
Guys this is just "bulla the shxx" Where do Governments get these dictatorial ideas from. Maybe Polar Bears are avid motorcycle buffs and to protect the species a law needed to be enacted. I stand f#+*ed
KP  :(
Yabba Dabba KP


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I know in the USA its a problem importing non-USA emmissions certified vehicles, (and also certain fruits, vegetables, birds, animals, among other things on the banned list) and these non-certified items get impounded/confiscated by the government. Greenland sounds very strict when it comes to imports. This likely has to do with their pollution laws. Greenland probably one of the few pristine places left on the planet, and they take this concept very seriously. Wish there was some way to help this enthusiast but what can be done? Maybe a plea to the government that this is artwork, not motorcycles and for display only. If that doesn't work, maybe nuke their whales.


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I wonder if they would atleast let hime sell it. He could offer to pay the impound fee's or something to make it sound beneficial to the authorities.


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Sounds like a case of dirty rat bastard jelous neighbor to me. I hear Drain O squirted out of a shampoo bottle does nice things to aluminum siding and car finishes.


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The cops will probably sell it on ebay to buy donuts. If that happens, we should buy it, restore it, and keep it for its rightful owner to use on vacation.


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Just stumbled on this story.
Wonder why nobody ever did explain?
Haven't seen Henrik for years.
But in the day he told me government were afraid of reckless driving/riding from the youth on bikes.
There are hardly any paved roads in Greenland!


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Incredible story... :o :o  It's really of anything out there!
« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 12:28:24 pm by 4pots1969 »


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There are only about 90 miles of roads in Greenland and only half of those are paved. There are not 2 towns that are connected by roads. Contrary to popular belief, Greenland is not Green, but instead 95% covered by inland ice, some 2km thick. The longest road is only 14km long. I believe that road was built by Volkswagen in order to shoot a commercial there. It's mostly swampy like conditions unless it is frozen. Everything I have read says it's just not a place condusive to motorcycle riding. Greenland is mostly ice, and Iceland is mostly green. :D

On the flip side, here is a story about a Hell's Angle chapter being denied an application for a clubhouse. No mention of any laws forbidding motorcycles.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 12:36:32 pm by o1marc »

Steve Swan

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Years past, around 2006, when Henrik visited me, he told me motorcycles were outlawed in Greenland.  Henrik was a Danish citizen who had lived in Greenland much of his life.  Furthermore, i have more personal information about Greenland's antimotorcycle stance i am not able to disclose, therefore cannot disclose.


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Why importing a bike when you know it's forbitten?

Cheers, Uli (Leonberg, Germany)


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Why importing a bike when you know it's forbitten?

Maybe he was unaware of the issue, I certainly was. I could understand not being able to ride one there, but to tell me I can't own one or parts for one just seems not realistic. I'd like to see the statute that forbids it.

Steve Swan

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to tell me I can't own one or parts for one just seems not realistic. I'd like to see the statute that forbids it.

When Henrik stayed at our house, he told me it was illegal to have motorcycle parts shipped to Greenland.  He lived in Greenland for decades  He would not make something like that up.  in order to see the statute, you'd have to research it.  i don't know any Greenland members anymore.  according to the member locater, we don't have members in Greenland.


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Years past, around 2006, when Henrik visited me, he told me motorcycles were outlawed in Greenland.  .....


Cheers, Uli (Leonberg, Germany)