I didn't get any suspicion from what the seller told me about the deceased, the bike had ever been painted after it left the factory. The seller himself did not know the bike existed until earlier this week and was expecting, according to what the widow said, to look at a Hondamatic. Seller said the bike was VERY well covered and appeared to not have been disturbed for what looked decades. The seller owns KO's; he's familiar with CB750's. He seems like an aware guy, his description after he saw the bike and before he had pictures, of the bike being original and clean matched the pictures he sent a day later after his description, so i would trust what he is saying, since the bike's not his and he's selling it for another person in his town. Apparently the deceased kept all dealer receipts for service and parts including the non-Honda synchronizer. An owner who saves receipts saves receipts out of pride, so i'd be surprised if this bike was replainted. The owner put the long chain guard on to deflect oil. Seems to me the owner wanted the newet and the best parts and accessory updates for his pride and joy.