back in the day when i fot into things sandcast, my 4363 was b-g as i wanted a b-g bike cuz i had a b-g 750 when i was a kid when i stumbled into 232, i painted it red knowing full well it was originally b-g. for me, b-g is the 1969 CB750 color, not only cuz i had one new in '69, but because that's the color Honda showed in most if not all their fold out ads in mags of the day. frankly, no prejudice here, for me, having a red bike is red is red is red. i get where red is flashy compared to b-g. no doubt. But, the b-g shifts hues in different shades of light and i am partial to green because green's my fave-o-rite colour. to me, if you know the bike was b-g from factory, it needs to stay b-g. but of course i screwed the pooch when i made 232 red and it was b-g from factory. now that i have only 1 sandcast, i have actually thought several times of having mine repainted b-g. doubt i ever will. all i know for sure is i wish mine wasn't red. maybe somebody out there would trade their b-g paintwork for my red paintwork..... but then, my side covers and air box are repro.... i'm stuck with red.... dammit. i want 232 to be Candy Tone Blue-Green. DAMMIT. thanks for bringing up a sensitive spot KP, you bugger.