Honda CB750 Sandcast

yamiya order


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I received a large order from Yamiya today. Sort of like christmas. Has anyone used their carb repair kit. I've noticed that the washer for the top does not fit my carbs. The washer for the top of the carb is really more of a rubber gasket. The hole in the center for the throttle cable to come thru is to small and centered instead of offset. Has anyone else had to trim these up to fit? The little postioning legs on the outside edge of the top line up.

Since this is a complete restoration I bought a seat from Yamiya very nice. There are a few little differences from my originals. The chrome pieces that cover the strap where it is screwed into the seat is slightly different in that it only wraps around the first layer of strap not the small bit of strap at the end, It's a bit thinner than honda. I dare anyone to be able to tell the difference without heavy inspection. The front hinge was drilled off a little. The one bolt hole is in the right spot The other was drilled further toward the center of the seat so that it makes the hinge a little crooked and not line up correctly with the hinge part mounted on the bike. Unfortunatly I can't drill it over any without using some of the original hole. I'll probably have to drill it out and put a lock washer and nut up there so that it straightens out. The hinge bracket on the seat will cover this all up. They also give you #8 bolts to attach the hinges and seat latch. Cute but I've never seen #8 bolts used there. At least on none of my original seats. The seat from a visual standpoint is top quality. I would be extrenmely hard pressed to tell it from original except for the strap buckles and the use of less holes in the seat pan compared to my 4 original seats. It is very nice and I would buy one again for a restoration. I will post pictures of what I'm talking about when I get a chance. Eli


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Hi Eli,
Interesting observations on the seat. I would have thought it to be more correct.....based on other items I have seen...and the price. I have the Yamiya cover.... and plan on ordering the foam, to put on an original seat pan. Doesn't seem right if the number of holes are different. Wondered why you wouldn't use the original pan?
You are right about the seat screws not being #8...mine is original and I believe correct.
Can't help you with the carb questions. I assume any missing parts would have to come from a set of donor "rat" carbs off ebay or something.
I do plan on buying an ultrasonic cleaner soon, as the prices are coming down on them....and I can always use another gizmo tool.
(I'll tell the wife it's to clean her jewellery 

On another you (or anyone) know the difference between the exhaust pipes he is selling now (no no.) for $1500 and the Roots Lotus that he was selling before for $2000 ?

See ya


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Hi Steve - There are 2 different types of exhaust on the sandcasts - the 'early' no stamp ones, and the later no stamped ones (i.e. no hm300). If you have a look in the restoration advice on this website it shows the difference with photos (just discovered it myself a couple of days ago).

I think also, the seat which yamiya now sells are the very early sandcast seatpan style - less holes. again - this is in the restoration advice. I bought one of the earlier seats with the K1 seatpan which looks more like the K0 seatpan, with the extra holes for the spring near the seat catch.

yes, I had to cut the carb top rubber gaskets also - I just laid the original over the top and traced around the inside of the cable hole. use a very sharp pen knife, or even better, a pointed scalpel blade and dont slip (dont worry about cutting a finger - they heal! if you have to order from yamiya you will always buy more than you need ;-) ) good luck!



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Hi Steve and Steven, Thanks for clearing up the pan hole question. The seat is very nice so I don't want people to think I'm picking it apart. I didn't use the original pan because the seat was nice enough to put on an original bike with a little repair but not full restoration quality. I'm going for as perfect as I can achieve factory new restoration. I bought the later unmarked pipes from Yamiya but have not opened the box yet or tried to fit them. I ordered those instead of the Lotus root pipes a few months ago because my bike wouldn't have come with them being #4437. The originals were to nice to rechrome but again not nice enough for the show room new restoration I'm going for. My #4 pipe had a touch of road rash close to the end of the pipe that I also would of had to fill in before chroming. I noticed the World restoration that just went buy it now on Ebay for $22500.00 had marked HM-300s. I really wanted to stick with unmarkeds even being repros.

I've been restoring bikes for awhile so I'm used to after market stuff needing some tweeks. I'm thankfull to the people that make and supply the parts to make quality factory restorations possable even if they arn't perfect yet. I know with Indians the after market parts are 100% better and more accurate now than they were just 10 or 15 years ago. I'm sure the same thing will happen with our 750s. I'd love to hear more reports on aftermarket yea and nays and why, or the fix for the nays. One thing I have to say about Yamiya was the items were very well packed and got to Philadelphia in 4 days from Japan. I still have trouble communicating questions to them but I'm starting to understand their broken english. Thanks for the input. Eli


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Hi Eli and Steve
There are at least 4 iterations of the early pipes and 2 for the sandcasts.
Eli is correct in that there are the enstamped lotus roots type and the unstamped later type. Third are the stamped HM300 without indents and HM300 with indents. The later remanufactured type I understand have more stamping than the 70s type
Eli, I've been buying some of the Yamiya stuff and it's excellent quality. You are absolutely correct with the comment re the seat buckle. I had mine rechromed and used that. Otherwise the repops are near perfect
I would also comment that a lot of the stuff he sells is Honda bags so must be re-run parts from OEMs
Yabba Dabba KP


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Hi Eli
Are you interrested in selling your old unmarked pipes?