Honda CB750 Sandcast

Hello from Thomas in Durban, South Africa

thomas · 2 · 2020


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My name is Thomas and I live in Durban on the east coast of South Africa. I have a 1971 CB750 Four since 1983 and a Seeley Honda CB750F since 1988. And since February 2014 I own the major componenets of a 1970 CB750 Four K0. It has Engine number 1044429 and VIN/chassis number 1044164.

I'm told it has spent many hours on the racetrack in the mid-seventies and has been modifeid to the hilt. I don't know what's in the engine but the frame makes no pretense at being standard. The price was right and it has all it's registration papers in order

I also bought a truckload of miscelaneous early-CB750 parts which I'll be putting up for sale. No, not a stash of no-number exhausts  :-(
