Lots of progress! First off, the wheels. Polished and sealed the hubs and then had the rims rechromed:

Then figured out how to add the yellow passivate to the zinc spoke nipples. Here's a before and after:

Wheel truing:

Decided to go with the dunlop set of tires from Yamiya. Not cheap, but they are the most accurate I could fine. Look nice:

Next up, paint!!
Paint is the toughest part; so many steps that can go wrong and ruin everything! I've painted several bikes now, so I thought, why not a sandcast?!

After many hours of prep work and priming (prep really is 80% of it), I was in the paint booth putting the metallic basecoat on:

When I bought this bike it was in horrible shape (see the beginning of this thread). The original airbox was broken and had terrible black paint on it...but I was able to see candy ruby red beneath the black paint. I figured it should remain the same color

It is impossible to get the right color in a photo...especially under artificial light, but here are a few pics:

I'm very happy with the paint! Gotta love that candy finish huh?!
Finally, I took a rainy day to finish the gauges:

The gauge faces and jewels are original. Unfortunately, the flasher jewel appears to have lost its orange coloring. Should I replace it? Also, I found instructions on this forum to reset the odometer. I've never done it, should I try?