Shellvik, I cannot comment on your experience, however the many dealings I've had with the seller have all been without issue.
In relation to the double cut fender I have with a hole for the speedo cable guide, let me say it is a genuine double cut fender with a hole. I know enough about early fenders to identify a fake double cut let me tell you.
As for the hole, what I can say is it is a pressed and not a drilled hole. As for whether it's correct or otherwise I cannot say but you should never say there was no hole just because you cannot find the evidence. What we are discovering about the sandcast is, there are many production differences not previously identified and there will be more found I feel sure.
I would welcome a picture being sent to me of your double cut fender as the seller never said to me it was off a sandcast, he said he had a double cut fender which had a cable guide hole. We do know that there was a fender change somewhere after production 16xxx to the single cut type and all single cut have cable guide holes. Maybe, (and it is a maybe) very late run double cut fenders did have cable guide holes.
My fender was purchased from Sayonara Motorcycles in Germany the owner of which had said he had seen several in his bike searches throughout the USA. As an aside he also has the most listed sandcast VINs in the directory. Cheers KP