#302 came with original 2 hole no relief airbox. The frame is machine indented (ie not beaten in by hand). The indents are pretty well forward facing(maybe 10° round from straight ahead), ie not matching up to the shape of the airbox at all well. In fact, I recall there were rub marks where the airbox upper was against the frame in spite of the frame indents.
#1120 has frame indents which are identical (shape, size, and orientation) to those on #5298. The indents in both of these frames are facing approx. 45° round from straight ahead - hope that makes sense. Neither of these came with original airbox. #1120 would of been a 2-hole, but with or without relief? #5298 would of course of been 3-hole.
If anyone has a VIN near to 1120 with original airbox, is it relieved or not?
Chris R.