The german bikes has a quite different lock than general export bikes has. The german bikes has a Neiman lock and you cant use general export locks on german bikes.
My sandcast #5119/5065 is a german bike with a Neiman lock and so is also my K0 in the 35.000 range.
Kind regards, Bojje
Thats right. All German CB750 have those Neiman locks.
http://www.ebay.de/itm/Honda-CB-750-Four-K0-K6-Lenkschlos-Lenkradsperre-lock-steering-handle-Neiman-/291785514149?hash=item43efc59ca5:m:mjJXz5y7x6Bsp9RUCKdxHrA(Andy Cepok says: German AND Netherland)
As far as I know, those were changed be HONDA Germany when the bikes arrived here in Germany.
So, although not tested by me, they should be interchangeable.
Those Neiman locks are the reason, why we always had two different keys.
does your German sandcast (I didnīt knew there were German sandcast. That would be realy rare with German blinkers, rear light...) has the recessed ignition switch? Or did they change both, the ignition switch and the steering lock for German bikes?
Another difference: German bikes have the VIN stamp on steering head on the right side.
Bojje: does your German sandcast has the VIN on the right side and this stop - cover on the frame head tube as my diecast?
Interresting discussion. Would like to know if French or Netherland bikes have that stop-cover as well.
I assume, Germany, Netherland and E.D. bikes as they have another frame part number in parts loist.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 02:55:20 am by Sgt.Pinback »
Cheers, Uli (Leonberg, Germany)