The topic (or debate) of frame/engine number spread is an interesting one. Owning Frame 28 with Engine 132, I often see comment questioning (incorrectly I might add) this number spread. Frames 7 came with engine 90, 9 came with engine 97, 123 came with engine 247, 175 with engine 263 and 180 with engine 302. So go figure. Rarely a comment is made (if comments there are) where a 100 or higher difference occurs with a 3 digit or higher frame number. Surprisingly, I've seen comments (comments there has been) made by some when a frame/engine number is considered too close. Other discussion is had on engine numbers being lower than frame numbers where some believe (believers there are) this should not occur at all. Honestly, I have no idea why some number spreads are very close and why some are very widely spaced, why some engine numbers are lower than the frame number and we could speculate these questions for the next 100 years and still have no answer (for answers there isn't). On thing we do know factually 100%, is that the pairing of frame and engine was a random production line event (and this ultimately could be the factual 100% answer or the golden fleece itself) Of the pairings we do know about, many are within a spread of 100 and most generally are spread to an upper limit of 200
Some interesting data
is available in our own VIN directory, however this does not prove anything factually about frame engine spread. These observations (Indeed! I stole this little saying from Mr Swan

) merely show the diversity of frame/engine number spread using the VIN registry as a guide (for a guide it is).
Of all the registrations recorded, approximately 75 or so have a difference of 300 or more, and of those, approximtely 53 or so have a difference of 400 or more. We can say without doubt a proportion of these are engine/frame swaps, however not all. Regardless, that's a significant number of machines with a wide spread given the number of registrations in the directory. And we must equally accept (accept we must

there will be a fair number of frame/engine swap machines in our directory with a spread of under 300, as owners wanting to make whole their "not complete" machine spread to within what most consider the norm, let's say not more than a 250 difference. You still here?

But wait - there's more

Of the 27 pairings of the first 200 machines registered the following is noted:
13 (~50%) have a frame engine spread of over 30
7 (~25%) have an engine spread greater than 80
3 (~12%) have a spread of over 100
Now there's a bit of stuff for Ya'All to consider
Gin & tonic time I think (for thinking I sometimes do)