Here is a photo taken on October 31st, 1969 as I was about to roll my brand new CB750 out the door of the small Honda dealership I bought it from. C.W. Lauchle Honda, Montoursville, PA
Ain't she a beaut?

Still has the temporary tag on it.

When I first saw the magazine ads for a CB750, I was in Vietnam. It looked green/blue and that is the color I wanted to buy. But when I got home the dealer only had a red one in stock. It was the first CB750 that he sold and I would have had to wait for another one to be ordered in. Since I was on leave for 30 days and wanted to ride right away, I took the red one. It was seven months later when the covered bike sat outside with a full tank of gas. Some gas came out the tank cap vent while the sun beat on the gray plastic cover and this must have caused a chemical reaction that lifted the candy red paint near the filler cap.
I stripped the parts off and applied a candy blue color that was more to my liking.

Here is a group I rode with one weekend around the Ft. Knox, Kentucky area in 1970. I followed them for a while but all they did was go 100 mph plus on little 2 lane roads from bar to bar. I didn't drink and I figured if I hung with them I would either get a speeding ticket or killed. So I left them after about the third bar.
Never could understand mixing gasoline and alcohol, never mind ethanol.