Honda CB750 Sandcast

Who wants a set of Yamiya Lotus Roots? Extras made-here's your chance!

markb · 25 · 14339


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Too bad I wasn't in the market for a set last year.  I recently bought an early VIN sandcast and now I need (want) a set.  Riccardo worked with Yamiya and got them to make 11 (I think) sets and that was after they said they wouldn't make any more.  So there's a chance if there is enough interest.  If your VIN is 4148 or less then you could use them.  I've already sent a note to Katsuya Oe to see if they would be willing to do another batch.  Who else wants them?  Would this be better placed on the general discussion board?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 07:28:58 am by mark1b »
Mark B
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2010 H-D Tri Glide Ultra Classic (Huh?)

Steve Swan

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Hi Mark,

I'd suggest posting where ever you can get prodigious results.

There is a POSSIBILITY i could be interested in a set.

Perhaps Wayne T could be interested........ ?



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Hi Mark,

I'd suggest posting where ever you can get prodigious results.

There is a POSSIBILITY i could be interested in a set.

Perhaps Wayne T could be interested........ ?


Yes, I would be interested but I'm afraid I'm a long way off from needing exhaust. I have to pace myself financially on this project. I don't expect to be bolting up the final items (like exhaust) until perhaps spring or early summer  2011.  :(


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OK, I'll put you down as 2 maybes.  I got another maybe from the SOHC4 site so with me we're up to (maybe) 4.  Wayne, it might take a while, maybe 4 or 6 months, so by the time we get something going they might be just in time.  I got a dissapointing reply from Yamiya.  They said they didn't have anymore and said to use the no number pipes offered instead.  But I am going to send them another note.
Mark B
1969 CB750 sandcast #97 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1969 CB750 sandcaxt #576 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1553 - Sold
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2010 H-D Tri Glide Ultra Classic (Huh?)

Steve Swan

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Hi Mark,

I would ask Riccardo what strategy he used to get Yamiya to concede.

I imagine if you wrote them and told them you had "x" amount of sets with the "x" amount of dollars ready to send them, Yamiya would relent.  I am pretty sure Riccardo had orders *AND* dollars ready to send in his proposal to Yamiya.

For Wayne - If Mark can succeed in getting Yamiya to manufacture it will indeed be good and uncommon luck.  I would suggest getting the Lotus Roots, no matter what stage your restoration is in.  Of course, i understand the money issue.  I am sort of in the same boat, i no longer have a kid living at home i could sell.  But if Yamiya says they will "do" another run, i will probably find a way, as obtaining another set of these Lotus Roots is *almost* a once in a life time opportunity.  And, on any early vin, these Lotus Roots are the only exhaust to use for a correct restoration that will only give value added to one's hard work.


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You are right. The exhaust is indeed a critical component to my restoration and the Lotus Root system  would ice the cake nicely. If I need to shuffle the priority list to get the Lotus Root system so be it. Mark, count me in for my 576/748 bike.

Steve Swan

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I'd suggest emailing Marty Kitner, i'm pretty darn sure he needs at least a set of these Lotus Roots.  I don't think he made it in on Riccardo's order.

You also might try Allan Landry, he might be in for another set and maybe Chris Rushton as well, both these guys bought LR's when i began organizing the first order, 2005 and i know they have another pre 4149 vin they could use the LR's on.

Mark, I cannot help but believe if you get an order for 10 sets of exhaust, submit the names of orders to Yamiya and tell them you have money to send, they will relent.   They have to have the tooling for the diffusers and the actual exhasut.  I know in my conversations w/ Katsuya, the tooling for the diffuser was a greater challenge than the actual exhaust.  If i thought i had any influence, i would approach Yamiya, but there is no longer any first person relationship i have with them as in 2005.

Wayne, can a group email be sent out ?  This would be a good way for Mark to get in contact with all the BB members to help identify interest.


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Wayne, can a group email be sent out ?  This would be a good way for Mark to get in contact with all the BB members to help identify interest.

Any admin can send a message to all members. Mark if you want to draft it up and send it to me I'll be more than happy to put it out through the distribution list.
Send it to my email:


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Steve, that's a great idea!
Wayne, give me a few days and I will put something together.  Thanks.
Mark B
1969 CB750 sandcast #97 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1969 CB750 sandcaxt #576 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1553 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1990 - Sold
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2010 H-D Tri Glide Ultra Classic (Huh?)


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I've gotten a few replies.  Here's where we're at:
Mark, 1 set
Steve Swan, maybe
Wayne T., 1 set
Luis, 1 set
Rick from Australia, 1 set
makes 4 sets.  I'm thinking we'll probably need a commitment for at least 10.
Thanks guys,
Mark B
1969 CB750 sandcast #97 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1969 CB750 sandcaxt #576 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1553 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1990 - Sold
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2010 H-D Tri Glide Ultra Classic (Huh?)

Steve Swan

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Mark, consider me a "strong" maybe.  I just never thought i'd be interested or want another set of LR's.  But, then, 2157 dropped in, out of nowhere and i have a set of new HM300's i will be perfectly happy with, but to be correct, if someone ever wants to restore it, the LR's are the only way to go for a restoration, at least in my opinion.  I tend to  think you are right, if we have money for 10 sets, i would think Yamiya would oblige us.  The LR's definitely, at least in my book, evaluate a restoration, so are a good investment, if we can get them, we better seize the opportunity.  steve


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OK, I'll call that 5.  Only 5 to go and we might have a shot at getting them.
Mark B
1969 CB750 sandcast #97 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1969 CB750 sandcaxt #576 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1553 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1990 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #5383 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1970 CB750 K0 restored - Sold
2010 H-D Tri Glide Ultra Classic (Huh?)

Steve Swan

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Hi All,

We want to approach Yamiya to make a 3rd production run of more sets of Lotus Root exhaust.

I am feeling it will be a great stroke of luck, IF Yamiya were to agree to make any more Lotus Roots.

I am only guessing, Yamiya MIGHT be induced to make more Lotus Roots, if we can tell them we have the money in full to pay for 10 sets.

We have five (5) of us who've commited to purchase IF Yamiya agrees to produce another production of Lotus Roots.  We need commitment for five more sets.

Please respond with your commitment on the BB under the exhaust section or contact me directly at

These exhaust are VERY rare. 

Original Lotus Root exhaust are, for the most part, non-existant.

Anyone who has studied the vin 1-4149 vin, knows these exhaust are rare.  I am not one to exaggerate.

Anyone who wants their restoration (vin 1-4149) to be proper and correct needs the Lotus Root exhaust.  Lotus Root exhaust will only appreciate in value -and- appreciate the value of any 1-4149 vin machine.

I know FIRSTHAND, for safety/liablity reasons, Yamiya was reluctant to produce any Lotus Roots back in 2005.  The 1st production run, they made 50 sets which sold out immediately.

Last year, Riccardo's persistance was rewarded, when Yamiya agreed to make a 2nd production run of 11 sets for those lucky few.

I will be surprised if we succeed convincing Yamiya to make a 3rd production run.  But, i am hoping, IF we can tell Yamiya we have money for 10 sets, they will say yes to our request.  We should also have to agree to not sell the exhaust on ebay or elsewhere.

I have NO IDEA what a set of Yamiya Lotus Root exhaust could cost a third time around.  I will guess around $2500, give or take a couple hundred dollars, shipping included.  I only makethis guess, because i know some would want to know approximate price, so better to have a rough idea now, than none at all and then be surprised in the event Yamiya does say yes and have someone back out because price was more than they thought.  Just don't want any surprises........

I KNOW Yamiya spent considerable time and money creating the tooling used to produce the baffle.  Their issue of concern for liablity, is the heavy large steel baffle could fly out, being held in by a single short 6mm bolt not welded in place, just like original.

Anyway, thank you for your time and consideration, reading thus far this request. 

We hope we can come up with an order for 10 sets.  We need commitment for 5 more sets.  Your help is appreciated.



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Good Luck at all.

I want semply explain that Yamiya was initially reluttant at my requests but when the lot was of 10 sets they agrree immediately.

The 11th set was easy to add.

I purchased 3 sets.

The price was 2.500.000 YEN for each set, plus shipping costs.

I've installed the first set on my 737 and, i must say, they sounds GREAT, the sound is very strong and compressed.

It's very music.

I've 3 sandcast but one of these bike has the no.number, one set is in the box because these mufflers are very impossible to have.

I want say to enthusiast sandcast people, please make your effort to buy these exhaust sets and  help Steve to manage this purchase, this will be a not repeteable opportunity for you and for you bikes value.

Your Italian friend.
737/940 Restored
1081/1362 Preserved
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10253/10315 (K0) Next project
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