it's nice to see Mark is the only one not stoned and lives in my old home state none the less. Go Gophers !
i missed the 425 in the original (Wayne's) post and was inquiring where 425 could be referenced.
and dear old Keith, just trying to be helpful, asked me if i was ok.
so, i was responding to Keith's post of.... "Steve, You still celebrating New Years? Oh, you're in Colorado aren't you?"

National news has been blathering about the great state of colorado, as of jan.1st, became a marihuana legal state. Keith was just expressing his concern i might be up to some wacky weed high jinx activity. "4:20" is the universal north american cannabis culture code call to acknowledge their use of the stuff.
and how do i know trivia like this you might ask........... welllll............. i'm just entering my 41st year working in the mental health/addictions health care industry. (At least that's what i'm telling ya'll.)
Keith, you keep track of those things, eh ?
Mark, sorry for high jacking your thread, no pun intended.