Hi Maurizio,
Is Tankrite a product available in Europe ? I did a websearch and could not find info. I have no opinion, i don't know anything about the Tankrite. In video, appears quite viscous.
In USA, we have a product called Kreem. I've used Kreem in several tanks over the past 30 years. Kreem is methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) based. Kreem requires a perfectly clean tank with all rust removed using a weak phosphoric acid prep. I have seen a number of tanks where Kreem was used and over the years the Kreem coating let loose, hanging in tank, even when tank is prepped properly. Kreem is not easy to remove, only by using multiple baths of MEK. Also, coating with Kreem, the thickness of coating difficult to control, because Kreem is rather viscous. Kreem cautions against too thick coating, but difficult to control because of viscosity http://kreem.com/
Recently A couple years ago, i learned of new product, POR-15. I used in badly rusted tank on 2157. (Elsewhere i posted my experience removing the rust using washing soda and electrolysis, which REALLY removes all rust extremely effectively.) Then i used POR-15 for the first time, a coating that reacts to bare metal and to any remaining rust. POR-15 is not MEK based, but the coating is essentially clear and virtually non-detectable after application. I was VERY pleased with end result using POR-15. Coating thickness all the same; POR-15 is not viscous like Kreem. http://www.por15.com/whatispor15.asp
These are just my thoughts and experience.
Hi Steve,
In this moment I'm to work

In Italy, many person buy tankerite for restoring the tank.
This is a famous product in Italy.
In every box there is a bottle of tankerite, catalyst and phosphoric acid (in low percentual).
After the mixing Tankerite is still creamy and is necessary apply 5-10 % of alcool.
In this mode Tankerite becomes very liquid, with perfect application.
After many years I saw many tank's in good conditions.
Attention, after the application is necessary to wait one weeks for use.
Please see also this web site:
http://www.restom.net/kit-traitement-de-reservoir-150.htm"Is in french language, but You can use google for translate"
This is a similar product of another famous brand