Honda CB750 Sandcast



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starting to get my ducks in a row! I am a long ways from paint, but been researching some stuff... I am looking at maybe $1600 usd worth of paint and body work on my k0 donor tin set. for about the same price I can get a painted tin set? anyone use these?

how's the quality? I was THINKING of shelving the original tins and MAYBE going this route. I value the opinions expressed on this board very much, am very interested in what you people think about the idea.

I would like to either have my tins restored early on, or go with some repops, so when I start the put together the roller I can put the headlight ears on. trying to figure out budget and such. if I went the repop route I would save all the k0 donor tins for "someday".

fyi, my donor tank has small dents, bad paint, minor rust inside. upper two hole air box is badly cracked and shabbily repaired. side covers are nice. headlight bucket has much cable rub. ears are fair at best.

would like to have a game plan, and input is very much appreciated!

Steve Swan

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i've no experience w/ Yamiya's painted products, but i can tell you first hand their unpainted side covers and 2-hole airbox c/w steel brackets is excellent, better than any other vendor's products i've seen.


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thanks steve,

will probably go with their air box upper piece unless I can locate an original... and restore the other pieces. $1600 seems reasonable for the tin set, but in the long run it doesn't sound good to later restore the donor tins and spend double the money.

regards, john


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Just thought I'd add my experiences with Yamiya parts here. The tank striping is not accurate and the tank is not a wrinkle. The fork ears are excellent but the spot welds seem to be more obvious than the stock items. I'm happy for other comments
Nevertheless the fact you get tank, air box, covers and fork ears all at that price is good See if you can get the wrinkle tank in the set He has a near perfect copy of the original wrinkle tank so much so I've often wondered if he had the original supplier remake them
As for painting what you have, I would always use the original parts but if the side overs and air box are not good than I would be happy to use Yamiya copies. As Steve said they are the best on the market
Yabba Dabba KP


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thanks kp,

I think I will use the original stuff. the donor bike has a pretty decent wrinkle tank, very nice side covers... I have the original ears and air box from the sand cast as well as from the donor bike but all the ears are pretty rusty, and both top air boxes are broken. the donor bike's air box has been shabbily repaired. maybe I can repair the original air box cracks, I will have to dig it out. the donor's bucket is so-so.

I am always looking for short cuts... after some thought I usually don't take them  ::)

still $1650 usd for the yamiya stuff seems like a pretty good price, at least it is an option. I have a lot of options rattling around in my brain!!

regards, john


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You often see good air boxes on fleeceBay, otherwise as Steve said the Yamiya box is a very very good copy. Good to hear your wrinkle tank is good All you need do now is find a good painter
Yabba Dabba KP