Step 8: Photo 040-10, 040-11, 040-12, 040-13. You don't really need to do this but I added this for Mark as he and I are both "anal". I slipped the brown wire from the ignition switch plug and slid a piece of shrink tube down to cover the crimp joint before I completed the job. Just a bit if insurance but you can use insulation tape to do the same job
Step 9: Photo 040-14. Before I commenced the rewrapping of the loom I used a piece of shrink tubing to reinforce the end of the plastic pipe. This is a very weak link in these looms in that the tube is way too big for the wire bundle and easily separates from the harness tape. I think this should give a little extra reinforcing and will help minimise the tape separating from the tube. (that's the theory)
Step 10: Photo 040-15. Complete rewrapping the loom and make sure you include the original or reprinted wiring label into the wrap. Make sure you remember how this was originally placed as the original has a fold at one end. If you've read this far you should now be on the final stretch to completing this simple enough project.
Final photo is the completed harness ready to be installed into your project. The 050 harness I used was a relatively new unit so it didn't need to have a total rewrap. If you are using a used harness it would be a good idea to rewrap the whole harness. You may also need to replace the black plastic tubing at the same time. It's a relatively easy job but the subject for another day.
![Cool 8)](