Honda CB750 Sandcast

Front fender question.

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Tony Wohlers

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Hi too all.

I have a single cut front fender i buyed on Ebay for a while ago
but i am in deep doubt about this fender is correct for an sandcast.
The fender is cut in the down end and rooled in the front end and there is a drilled hole for a rubber grommet to the speedocable.
Vinnr. for my bike is 1005858.
Can anybody help me.
Tony Denmark.


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Your fender sounds like the single cut fender which is correct for K0 and early K1 from around VIN 16000 I'm not sure what VIN the double cut fender ceased. Maybe other members will know.
All sandcast front fenders have the cut (non-rolled) top and bottom KP
Yabba Dabba KP


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The fender you described is for the k0 and k1 cb750's starting with vin number 1015593. Marty


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My suggestion is to resell the fender as it is K0, K1 and recoup your money.
The later modified fenders made to look like the double cut sandcast style are usually tacky looking and easy to spot to those who are into the sandcast bikes.
The original fenders do come along every so often, also Yamiya750 makes a very nice reproduction from original specifications. Marty


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The sand cast original head, cylinder and cases unpainted. The k0 head, cylinders and die cast cases painted. Marty


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Painted or not, seems to be a lot of different views here. My own experience / observation
Have just about finished restoring #302 (E338), which was Very original, engine definately not disturbed since factory fitted back in '69. The crankcases were definately NOT painted. The barrels and head however definately were - after much cleaning and de-greasing, paint could be seen flaking off the cooling fins, and you could scratch the paint off the head with your finger nail. Another way to "check" might be to put a small dab of paint stripper some where out of sight and see if the paint bubbles - but only if you are going to re-finish anyway!

Have fun - Chris R.
Chris R.


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The fender you described is for the k0 and k1 cb750's starting with vin number 1015593. Marty

FYI I have K0 16179 and it came with a double cut front.



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According to my parts manuals both American, U.K. and Japanese the change in front fenders was vin number 1015593 (Japanese and American). U.K. was vin number 1010369 fender was different due to the mounting of the front number plate. Marty


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This is the sort of discussion we need on this site. Like most of you I want to ensure my restorations are correct. On most changes the parts manual is the only source of information. Paint on the head and cylinders is one of those items not indicated. I for one thought that these items were painted and then I was told by an expert that the sandcast motors were not. I even said on this site a few months back that they were not painted. However I always believed the engines I owned were painted in the area of head and cylinder and assumed that the previous owner had done same to freshen them up. One of the engines I owned (since sold) had a painted head but I was assured by the previous owner it was an original unmolested motor. I assumed he was wrong.
I now believe that the head and cylinder were painted, we now just need to establish what with.
As for the fender, somewhere in the last legs of double cut production Honda did press a hole to receive the speedo cable guide. I have owned one of these fenders and I believe Andy Morris also has seen/owned such a fender. My fender was not drilled, it was stamped. It came off a late (under 20000) production diecast. Maybe Andy could add some info on this KP
Yabba Dabba KP


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Just to throw another spanner (wrench to you american illiterates) into the works. If you haven't seen Steve's link to the Jumping Sandcast, then here it is again.
Notice anything??????
Have a look at the top cut on the fender and the length of the cut from the top fender stay. Now that blows a few assumptions out the door. This is a new bike so we can assume without doubt this is an original fender.
It's either as produced or the dealer had an accident with the end during pre-delivery and tidied it up with a pair of snips.
Go figure that one out  :o KP
Yabba Dabba KP


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I saw the front fender on Donald Smiths CB750 serial number 1001070. The front looks to be shorter than any of the ones I have on my bikes. If you notice in one picture the lower front brake system is on the right side all the other pictures show it on the correct left side. ??? ? Also in this picture it shows the horn to be on the right side all other pictures it is on the left side.  ??? Marty


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Hey Marty
Good find. Yes we asked him that and he admitted the picture was a reverse image KP
Yabba Dabba KP


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I was thinking that might be the case, your answer confirms it. Marty


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One of the double cut fronts that I have came off diecast #16179 and has the cable guide on it.
Am I right in assuming all of the sandcasts had double cuts with no hole for the guide?

I was considering trying to double cut a later front and fill the hole. Anyone else tried this? How did it come out? Pics?

CBX1047....I think you said you saw one that was cheesy? Any more info.

It looks like it might be doable.......just might be a little shorter....but I haven't gotten as far as to measure it.

