Hi all,
you are definitely right, that the bike is only original as it left the factory. But I was writing about original parts and replica parts.
Your argument, that the bike should have original air in tires is extreme, and not correct from my view. All sandcasts were going to regular service for oil, filters and tires change. Does it mean, that these bikes are not original? These parts were original correct parts, so the bike is still in ORIGINAL condition. I´m not talking about using NOS superceeded Honda parts which were not correct for exact VIN number bike. I also now, that some spare parts were in some details different than parts mounted on the bike as it left the factory.
You are also right, that if I use some tank or any part from ebay, the bike is just not as it left the factory. But still it is original Honda part, that was used as new on any other bike and therefor it is same part in same value.
It is on everybody own decission if he wants to use original part, or replica part. But for me, I respect only original part and I want only original parts. Fact is, taht all true motorcycle/car collectors on the planet are respecting only original part, even restored. Personaly, I will never buy a torso of any bike and than use replica parts to make it complete.
Now, I explained you my point of view. It would be nice if also anyone would explain/answer my previous questions:
1. Why anybody is producing replica of owners manual ? What sence does it have? Why is anybody doing this?
2. Where is the % authenticity limit for using original part and replica part for restoration? If I build sandcast only from replica parts, do you think it will be still Sandcast?