I think my original K0 wiring loom looks superb now and my wiring loom looked pretty bad to start with from a UK bike 40 years old. I used
http://www.vintageconnections.com Thanks to post from 'Hondaman' for non-latch connectors, bullets and more importantly the sleeving. UK people - Don't buy the ones off Ebay - the bullets are the wrong size and the sleeving is non-glossy and crap. You can clean up any plain brass connectors after degreasing with alcohol using a 50/50 mix of coke (phosphoric acid) and lemon juice (citric acid) and replate any tinned connectors with the tinning solution used in PCB manufacture (sadly the modern less toxic stuff isn't a patch on the old stuff but I still have some old stuff). I even found my coloured wires came with small printed wording 'Sumitomo 1969' Cool! The rule is to use the proper non-adhesive loom tape -NO HEATSHRINK (apart from soldered splices on repairs inside the loom) and only a few inches of black insulation tape for the ends of the non-adhesive wrapping. Any repairs can be made using wires from any scrap SOHC loom and you can turn round the red glass woven sleeving so that the bit non-faded from under the black tape is where the exposed part is normally.
BTW - may be old hat to everyone but the rectifier diodes on the 3-phase recifier can be removed individually and replaced with ones from another scrap rectifier because they de-solder from the connector plate. Be careful though as one plate is common anode and one common cathode bodies.
Just my 2 cents/pence worth - shoot me down in flames if you don't agree

- I am more than happy with it.
BTW Anyone contemplating a repro Honda one beware this from CMS customer feedback!
1 of 1 people found the following review useful:
wire harness, Thursday, April 16, 2009
Reviewer: Juergen Schroeder
In general this wire harness looks as good as the original one and comes with all the connections necessary. Although, lately, i.e. one year of my purchase I had problems with the electricity from the ignition lock. It turned out that the black mass wires inside the harness (thus invisible from the outside) were only rolled around each other and not soldered!!! The producer of the wire harness should be told to solder these connections and he will spare people hours of endless search and despair.
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