Honda CB750 Sandcast

Wiring Loom Tags

Wayne · 42 · 13911


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I found what I believe should be the correct vinyl for the tags. Couldn't order it as the seller would not do a BUY NOW to Canada. Come on down there in the USA, shipping to Canada is easy! Lighten up! Anyway, Steve was kind enough to order it for me and will ship it up when received. Just have to get some waterproof ink and get the template all set up to print.  :)

I did notice that Pete's tag has more of a textured finish and mine is smooth like white vinyl tape. I'm not sure why on that one ??? ???


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Ya'll problably know this, but I'll mention it anyway. When cleaning your brass connectors, just dip them in CLR for a few seconds. They will come out looking new.
I need to replace on my harness the large black tube going into my headlight (it's cracked) Where can I get some of this tubing?
Best regards,
PS, just bought another sandcast 5622. Will register with Steve soon. Looks like my K0 on ebay will sell today. It's up to 12.5k.

Sorry, my bad CL!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 09:01:38 pm by 1941wld »


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"When cleaning your brass connectors, just dip them in LCR for a few seconds."

I'll probably wish I hadn't asked this when it becomes blindingly obvious.....but..... LCR?

What's that?



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I noticed that as well Mick. Wonder if he means CLR??

Got my tape, sleeving etc. from good ole' England today! That was fast! Funny, receiving stuff from Great Britain, Japan etc. is always faster than USA. Must get tied up at Customs.


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Check out this site for parts.

Gotta love a company on the internet that only ships to specific countries. Come on now. lol WWW stands for World WIDE Web. ;)

Effective 9/12/12: We No Longer Ship to Canada
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 11:37:17 am by Wayne »

UK Pete

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Why do you thaink the do this wayne, what is the difference between posting to Canada or the rest of the world


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Pete. I have no idea. So many Ebay sellers will not ship here, many web sites. I don't get it. We ran an online business for years and shipped worldwide without a problem. It's funny, I contacted a seller recently about his loom wrap on Ebay to see if he had the correct width and if he did I would have a USA friend buy it as I was in Canada and his description said "no shipping to Canada". He responded by saying if I wanted the wider tape, which was all he had it would ship it to me no problem! lol I think you American's just hate our strong Canadian dollar! ;) Perhaps you think we don't have a mailbox outside of our igloo's? ;)



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You have an igloo?  ;) Seriously, if you need someone to order something and send it to you I would be happy to help out.
Mark B
1969 CB750 sandcast #97 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1969 CB750 sandcaxt #576 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1553 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1990 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #5383 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1970 CB750 K0 restored - Sold
2010 H-D Tri Glide Ultra Classic (Huh?)


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You have an igloo?  ;) Seriously, if you need someone to order something and send it to you I would be happy to help out.

I might have to build one if this storm keeps up Mark! I had grass yesterday. This picture was taken 2 hours after cleaning the driveway out today! Not doing it again until the plow comes buy and tears up my lawn. :(

Thanks for the offer on shipping stuff. Steve and others have helped me out as well. Great Members on this site. :)

« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 03:05:13 pm by Wayne »


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Thanks to Mark prodding me a bit I decided to move ahead with a small project today...the 0400 wiring loom tag. The vinyl I purchased isn't 100% faithful to the original however it appears we may have seen different textures on various harnesses so I'm going with it. I a test run on my laser printer as I don't have a waterproof inkjet. Other than my not so straight cuts, I'm pleased. The font and logo are bang on to the original. I'll cut a sheet and see if any of my friends have an inkjet with some waterproof black ink. :) And yes, I'll cut the good one's straight and to the correct width! ;)

« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 02:07:30 pm by Wayne »


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After a nearly 3 year hiatus I have decided to return to my sandcast restoration 1682E/1630F. After following this site for the last few years I have learned a great deal and found out that many of the things that I thought would be quick and easy are anything but. That said, I have learned that the Yamiya wiring harness I bought right at the start is apparently wrong, although it was for a KO. Fortunately not too late to change. So now I see this tag numbered 300-0400 which matches the part number in the 69 parts list. Of course my tag is different , 300-0 00. Is this correct? This harness is very rough with cut wires. Do you buy a 300-050 (these seem to be available and how different are they?) and remark with this new tags or attempt to restore the original harness? Thanks for any help.


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Scroll down on this page and you will see the differences between a 0400 harness and one available from Yamiya. Your 00 harness is new to me, I'll leave that to the experts.


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I'm not exactly sure about the number of wires or that what I'm writing here is 100% correct but it is close. The early 050 wiring harness (the one after the 040 harness and not the later Honda 050 harness with the bar code parts label) has a few additional wires spliced into the loom. Several are for the pilot bulb (park bulb) which was a design requirement in at least some European countries such as Germany. Therefore the later 050 harness became the standard for all production. Countries that didn't require the pilot light etc just didn't use the additional wires in production.
The fact is, a 050 harness can be used without problem but given the anal nature of us all the simple fix is to unravel the 050 harness and remove the additional wires which are solder spliced into the loom, re-wrap the 050 harness replacing the 050 tag with you old 040 tag. Trouble is the 040 tag is usually war weary and in need of replacement. This is where Wayne's project will be invaluable to those who are wanting to go this route with a nice new shiny label.
As for the Yamiya harness, this is a reproduction and NOT a Honda harness I have one and what is seen in the pictures (follow the link Wayne has provided) is nothing like a Honda harness Even the later Honda harness has the black tubing which is absent from the Yamiya and other reproduction harnesses.
I'm sure others can add to these words as I haven't unpacked my spare harnesses to do the comparison but I did do it some years ago and this brief outline is what I recalled. As for the label without the 4, I don't have a clue  ??? KP
Yabba Dabba KP