Another French Sandcasts E-1017196 here are the pictures..
The list goes slowly but surely!!
E-1014138/VIN-1014046 ?? (Very strong suspicions that the 1st engine of origin was an sandcast..)
E-1014170/VIN-1017109 (no matching numbers)
E-1017118/VIN-1041129 (no matching numbers)
E-1017135/ no frame
i'm looking at your list again, very interesting.
do you know or have you met any of the owners of these vins ?
if i understand correctly, you have not seen any of these machines ?
are these machines all in France ?
would it be possible for you to make contact with any of the owners to see if these machines have wrinkle tanks and 41xxx is made of sandcast cases ?
Gerard, are the 41,129 cases in frame 17118 sandcast ?
the reason i am asking, it would be wonderful if you could see wrinkle tanks on a the 17xxx and 16xxx vins of better yet wrinkle taks on all the vins