hi guys am i missing the point here ? about the repro parts i mean?
i always thought honda subbed a lot of thier work out anyways e.g. showa ,hitachi ,d.i.d. stanley, nippon denso,the list is probably endless ,even honda themselves had a sub-contractor code in their part numbers
so would it not be reasonable to assume that these same sub-contractors could be making the same parts for yamiya,silvers,saisei z1 mach1V whoever?
honda have stated they will not make or supply parts for motorbikes over fifteen years old.
so i dont think them very same sub-contractors would just shut up shop
i will gladly buy any repro part as long as its fit for purpose ,if it comes from japan then its a bonus in my book
im just glad that at least somebody is making them,because if it was left to honda alone ,we would not even have be having this discussion
old man honda always said he would make or supply parts for the older bikes
now the world is run by bankers and we all know how that will end lol