Well I got tired of trying to get my hands on some DuliColor DE1612 Engine Primer here in Canada so as per the company I went with their CSP-100 High Temp Primer. It's a bit darker than the DE1615 Paint so hopefully I won't get any chips or nicks during assembly.

Pretty straight forward but as MarkB said, this part of the job is very time consuming if you want the paint to stay on. A painter once told me, It's not the paint, it's all in the prep! I still think the paint has a
bit to do with it!

So after de-greasing the cases we had to get the old paint and other impurities cleaned off. I didn't trust sending my prefect "748" cases out so I chose to do them myself. My weapon of choice, the Speed Blaster hand held sand blaster. This product worked amazingly well off my small 10 gal home compressor! I'm impressed and wish I had bought one long ago! I bought some very fine aggregate from my local Napa Store and Bob's your Uncle! They cleaned up great and with little or no "cutting away" as they call it, of the substrate material.

So here's a shot of the upper case (nice VIN!

) all blasted, blown out with compressed air, high pressure washer, rinsed in dish soap and water, clean water rinse, and blown out with compressed air again to ensure all sand is out! I'm a bit paranoid when sandblasting engine components.

Finally after a lot more prep taping off the cases and giving a final wipe with some Acetone we have the painted cases. 2 coats of Duli-Color CSP-100 primer and 2 coats of DupliColor DE1615 Paint. After 3 hours drying time in the oven it goes at 200 degrees or so. Good thing my wife is at work!

Now, onto the lower case!