Well it's a good day here in the great white north!

It's warm, sunny and my engine cases are back together!!

As I said in another thread I decided to go with Permatex MotoSeal 1 - Ultimate Grey for my sealer. It says to apply, brush an even layer, let it sit for a minute mate up the cases. Well. I can tell you that getting it on all the surfaces and getting a nice even layer, being careful around main bearing etc. takes a few minutes so hopefully it hold well. It seems to dry pretty fast but I got just a wee tad of "squish out" that I can see on the perimeter of the cases, so fingers crossed!
Thanks to Mark I found myself being somewhat anal when it came to preparing to bolt things up. I even rinsed my sockets out with Brake Kleens before I used them! Didn't want anything to mar up those shiny re-zinc'd fasteners.

Also, I went with Mark's idea of using stainless "form B" washers on the 6 and 8 mm engine case bolts. (except the 2 on the rear that have nuts) These washers are the exact dimensions of the originals and are the same thickness. (form B washers are thinner than a standard washer. Again, thanks for the tips Mark. Keep em' coming!
OK, so here she is. Bottom end back together!

A shot of the V.I.N. area.

And the rear of the engine.

Just need a buddy to help me flip it and get it supported so I can work on the oil pan etc. Wish I haden't forgot to zinc those bolts!

(and a few other odds and ends!)