Gathered the bottom end parts together, took them apart and gave them a good clean and inspection, i have to say the condition for 43 years is amazing, very little wear, the only parts that need replacing are the primary chain tensioner and cam tensioner wheels as these are rock hard and starting to loose bits off them,and of course the chains will be replaced, i will change the output shaft outer bearing even though mine is smooth running and reusable, i am only changing it as i had already ordered the new bearing before checking the old

Output shaft has had an easy life by the looks

Started putting the parts together and back in the engine, it took me about 5 minutes to remember the easy way of reinstating the kickstart spring, i was scratching my head for ages trying to remember how the f--k i did it last time, i put in the new primary chain tensioner,

Then the rest of the parts

It will stay like this for a while, till i get the rest of parts for the engine build, nearly there though, i have recieved most of the parts i ordered here they are , just need gaskets and a few more orings